!!!###!!!title=63-How to configure the range of the axis——VisActor/VChart FAQ documents!!!###!!!

How to configure the range of the axis?

Question Description

In my dual-axis chart, the right axis represents the percentage. Can this percentage range be manually configured? I am using vchart and have configured min and max, but it has not taken effect. My configuration:

  type: 'common',
  seriesField: 'color',
  data: [
      id: 'id0',
      values: [
        { x: '2021-10-22', type: 'A', y: 10 },
        { x: '2021-10-23', type: 'B', y: 22 },
      id: 'id1',
      values: [
        { x: '2021-10-22', type: 'TA', y: 0.5 },
        { x: '2021-10-22', type: 'TB', y: 1.1 },
        { x: '2021-10-23', type: 'TA', y: 1 },
        { x: '2021-10-23', type: 'TB', y: 1.5 },

  series: [
      type: 'bar',
      id: 'bar',
      dataIndex: 0,
      label: { visible: true ,position:'inside'},
      seriesField: 'type',
      xField: 'x',
      yField: 'y',
      max: 100
      type: 'line',
      id: 'line',
      dataIndex: 1,
      label: { visible: true },
      seriesField: 'type',
      xField: 'x',
      yField: 'y',
      min: 0,
      max: 2,
      stack: false
  axes: [
    { orient: 'left', seriesIndex: [0] },
    { orient: 'right', seriesId: ['line'], grid: { visible: false }},
    { orient: 'bottom', label: { visible: true }, type: 'band' }


The configuration of the axis range is in the axes configuration item, not in the series. You can configure the minimum value (min) and maximum value (max) as your need, for example:

axes: [
  { orient: 'left', max: 100 },
  { orient: 'right', min:0, max:2 },

Code Example
